Our Indesign Basics course is 2.5hrs per week for 3 weeks.

Thursday 24th May
Thursday 31st May
Thursday 7th June

Week 01 Introduction to Indesign
Week 02 Multi-page publications
Week 03 Social Media Assets

6.30 – 9pm

5/40 Green St,
Windsor 3181


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Come along and learn the basics in Adobe Indesign.

Across a range of industries, learning Adobe Indesign will provide foundational skills to help present yourself or your business more professionally and consistently. 

Its ease of use and functionality results in being quick to learn and implement into a range of different platforms, print or digital. 

Here at Ninth Street East Creative, Indesign is by far our favourite program – we love it so much that we spend all day using it! Who better to come and learn from than a practicing designer… #justsaying


You will learn the basics in Adobe Indesign, receive a take-home, step-by-step workbook that covers everything you will learn, a USB of files and some delicious shared refreshments.
No prior experience required, this course is facilitated by Anita Spadea, an experienced creative director and university lecturer.





• Overview of the interface
• Create new documents (print)
• Saving files
• Creating multi-page documents
• Grids – margins and columns
• Typography
• Inserting images
• Layout design
…and more!


Please note:
This workshop is a beginner level workshop, no prior experience is required. Each student is required to bring along their own Mac or PC laptop. A limited number of Macs are available to rent at a cost, please enquire within. It is expected each student has basic knowledge in operating of a laptop.

Not sure if this course is for you?

Read our FAQs
  • 'I would like to say a big thank you for last Saturday's course, I learnt so much in a such a short space of time. I now have some basic skills that I need to develop images and documents to a standard that I want achieve.'

    - Danny, Grampians Health Service
  • 'Anita was very patient and neutral which made the atmosphere calm and engaging. I loved Indesign and needed to learn this for work, this was a great introduction course.'

    - Sacsha, SB Promotions
  • ‘I enjoyed each part of the course, especially learning about placing images and creating shapes. The home cooked treats were also delightful, thank you Anita, loved the course!’

    - Shauna, Communication & Media, Monash University